Selling Antitrust

Herbert Hovenkamp Volume 73, Issue 6, 1621-1636 Antitrust enforcers and its other defenders have never done a good job of selling their field to the public. That is not entirely their fault. Antitrust is inherently technical, and a less engaging discipline to most...

Prosocial Antitrust

Amelia Miazad Volume 73, Issue 6, 1637-1696 Antitrust law is at the center of today’s public debate. It has even emerged as a rare unifying force, with bipartisan promises to combat the concentration of economic power. Meanwhile, the business community is grappling...

Stockholder Politics

Roberto Tallarita Volume 73, Issue 6, 1697-1760 In the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in shareholder support for proposals on political, environmental, ethical, and social issues, from climate change and employee diversity to animal welfare and...