by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
Khaled A. Beydoun Volume 69, Issue 2, 429-497 The United States Department of State has long employed a sectarian foreign policy strategy to advance its interests in the Mideast. The United States has sided staunchly with Saudi Arabia, the Sunni Muslim superpower in...
by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
John D. Leshy Volume 69, Issue 2, 499-582 Arguments are sometimes made most recently in a paper commissioned by the State of Utah, and by a lawyer for a defendant facing charges for the armed takeover of a National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in 2016that U.S. public...
by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
Lydia Nussbaum Volume 69, Issue 2, 583-646 Zero-tolerance school disciplinary policies stunt the future of school children across the United States. These policies, enshrined in state law, prescribe automatic and mandatory suspension, expulsion, and arrest for...
by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
George A. Croton Volume 69, Issue 2, 647-674 This Note considers whether a federal agency that grants a license, lease, or permit to a wind farm developer can thereafter be held vicariously liable for the developer’s violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act’s...
by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
Joseph Dimont Volume 69, Issue 2, 675-700 Digital music streaming services, like Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal, currently distribute royalties based on a per-stream model, known as service-centric licensing, while at the same time receive income through subscription...
by | Feb 10, 2018 | Volume 69, Issue 2
Benjamin C. West Volume 69, Issue 2, 701-720 In the consumer data breach context, courts have seemingly limited a plaintiff’s ability to bring suit by applying the standing doctrine’s injury-in-fact requirement too rigidly. This is unacceptable, as the law of standing...